Monday, August 8, 2011

Hello CS3216!

Ok, the new term will start in a couple of days. While being accepted into CS3216 for the next semester is a pleasure, it is also a big challenge for me. So, what do I hope to gain in this module?

First, I definitely want to improve my teamwork skills. Actually I have worked in teams in the past, for example CG1102 or CS2103, however I believe there are still rooms for improvement when working in teams to maximize the productivity. In fact, I am quite silent and not confident to say my opinion frankly in meetings, or tend to do things only before deadlines (which is a bad habit, I know =.=). To improve those habits, and become more ‘useful’ in meetings, are the things I aim for.

Second, I want to learn how to learn new things =). It seems that everyone knows how to learn on his own (me too!), but how to make it efficient and fast enough, we get to learn. And as I read the feedback and comments from previous semesters, fast self-learning and heavy workload are expected!
Last but not least, programming skills! Although “the heart of this module is not about programming but actually about life”, I expect me to learn tons of new things on the go, by solving interesting problems and assisignments. HTML5, MySQL, PHP and more, what can other module can make us learn all in one semester? 

I am ready for this. Hello, CS3216!

1 comment:

  1. Be warned: if you do things at the very last minute for CS3216, you will be very hated and you will be in very deep trouble. For your sake and for your coursemate's sake, I hope you manage to deal with that habit. :-)

    Then again, perhaps CS3216 will leave you no choice to begin with. :-P
